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Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Cornerstone Christian Fellowship

About Our Church About Our Church


Cornerstone Christian Fellowship

Church Motto:  “It’s not about religion, it’s about relationship”

Vision: Our vision is to see people saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered, and serving.

Mission: "Our mission is to encourage, strengthen and equip our community through the Word of God and to become actively involved in leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ who is the Chief Cornerstone."

Purpose: Cornerstone Christian Fellowship is a purpose-driven fellowship. Everything we do emerges from the following five major goals:

  1. Exalting God’s Presence – Worship
  2. Embracing God’s Family – Fellowship
  3. Equipping God’s People – Training/Teaching
  4. Expressing God’s Love – Ministry/Communion
  5. Evangelizing in God’s World – Missions, Evangelism, Church Planting