Cornerstone's Covenantal Scripture: Eph. 2: 19-20 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief Cornerstone. (NIV)
Cornerstone's Church History: Pastor Sunny Hyde heard the call to become a pastor in January 2012. During that time, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship was conceived merely as a “thought”. Upon discussion with his wife, she continued in prayer, and came up with the name Koinoinia Christian Fellowship.
Evangelist Dr. Kellie mentioned the name in December 2012 as a name for the prospective church upon God’s blessings. Pastor Hyde liked the word “Cornerstone” instead so he decided to combine their thoughts and they agreed to give her the name Cornerstone Christian Fellowship on September 9, 2013. Cornerstone was birthed 3 weeks later on September 30, 2013. The church colors are red for the Blood of Jesus, and sandstone for the ground Jesus walked on to His crucifixtion.
Cornerstone's church dedication and ceremony to consecrate and give back to God was on December 28, 2013. Cornerstone held its first worship service on Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 11a.m. which is designated as the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ per the Christian calendar. Praise Jehovah for His bestowed blessings!!
After 6 years of successful face-to-face Worships services, Revivals, New Years Eve Worships, Prayer & Deliverance Conference, Women's Symposiums, Wednesday Bible Studies, Men of Valor Meetings, Youth Choir Rehearsal, Lenten Holy Hours, 7 Last Words Event, Spiritual Fitness Exercises, Vacation Bible School, Discipleship Training, Community Cookout, Youth Back-to-School and Christmas Giveaways, Youth Choir, Weddings, Baby Blessings, Usher Ministry, Baptisms, Spiritual Counseling, 5th Sunday Sizzling Sermonettes, Housing Assistance, Transportation, Women's Classes, Food Pantry, Field Trips, Fellowship and Fun......the church building unfortunately closed its doors in October 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that plagued our world.
From March 2020 (Worldwide Pandemic Into Effect) to March 2023 (3 years later), the ministry was continuing via audio-conferencing until Pastor Hyde made the decision to announce his sabbatical effective March 26, 2023. Upon Pastor Hyde's leave and service of 9 years as Senior Pastor, the church was in a silent season of waiting in anticipation around it's future. During that season of silence, Evangelist Dr. Kellie continued her "online personal ministry" until August 2023. Upon taking a 5 month hiatus per God's Instructions and to hear from Him, Evangelist Dr. Kellie relaunched, revived and restored the church ministry effective January 2024. Evangelist Dr. Kellie served as Executive Pastor and Co-Founder for 9 years, until the mantle was picked up to continue the ministry and serve as Lead Pastor along with having 15 years of ministry experience including itinerant, evangelical, local and international ministry. Cornerstone Christian Fellowship will continue it's purpose for which it was birthed, as well as it's dedication to God to follow His instructions, that is for the Glory, Edification and Building of His Kingdom, in Jesus' Name.